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Balance Bikes

Introduce your child to the joy of biking with Radio Flyer's balance bikes. Designed to provide a seamless transition to 2-wheel bike riding without training wheels, our balance bikes are safe, comfortable, and easy to maneuver.

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Learning how to ride a bike is important, and our balance bikes for toddlers offer a great alternative to ease children into pedal bikes. Whether you’re looking for a balance bike for a 2-year-old or a child as old as 5, the seats on our bikes are adjustable, so you can create the perfect fit for your young one. 

All of our balance bikes feature lightweight, sturdy frames that make them easy to lift and maneuver. They’re also pedal-free, so your children’s feet are on the ground at all times. Shop for balance bikes with larger air tires for the smoothest ride. You can also choose our classic red design, or opt for black or pink balance bike models. 

We’re With You For Every Family Adventure

When your little one is ready to transition to a pedal kids’ bike, Radio Flyer has you covered. We offer a variety of models, from balance bikes to 16, 20, and 24 inches. As your child grows, there will be a durable, high-quality Radio Flyer bike available, ready to capture those precious family moments and adventures. 

Balance Bikes Frequently Asked Questions

What is a balance bike?

Balance bikes are pedal-free alternatives for children as young as 1.5 years of age. They’re low to the ground, and because they’re pedal-free, balance bikes can help children better focus on balance, coordination, and steering.

Are balance bikes good for toddlers?

Yes, balance bikes are designed with toddlers and young children in mind. They’re a great way to help children master coordination and prepare them for kids’ bikes.

When should kids stop using balance bikes?

We have a variety of balance bikes recommended for different ages. For some models, we recommend them for children between the ages of one and three. For other models, children as old as 5 can comfortably use balance bikes.

What is the next step after a balance bike?

It depends on what your children are interested in. Some children gravitate toward our tricycles as their next vehicle while others will make the leap to a bigger kid’s bike.

Do kids need training wheels after balance bike?

This depends on your child’s balance and coordination. Many children do use training wheels after starting on a balance bike. However, there are plenty of children who make the transition without the aid of training wheels.

Is a tricycle better than a balance bike?

Tricycles and balance bikes are two different vehicles with distinctively different purposes. A tricycle prepares children for pedaling and stability whereas balance bikes keep the focus on balancing and coordination.