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Get your kids outside in the sunshine with a high-quality tricycle for toddlers. Super fun and very safe, a trike is the perfect training vehicle to prepare your toddler for their first bike.

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At Radio Flyer, we offer childrenā€™s tricycles in a variety of different styles. Our classic tricycles feature an instantly recognizable design that parents recognize from childhood. Find classic Radio Flyer red trikes with single or dual decks, attachable bells, and streamers on the handlebars. Our classic designs come in pink instead of red and both in plastic and metal options. Chopper tricycles for kids offer a sporty look and are easy to maneuver and pedal. Your little ones will love cruising down the block with these comfortable and fun tricycles.Ā 

Even More Ways to Ride

For parents looking for a tricycle for toddlers that is adjustable and perfect for taking to the park, our tricycle strollers offer flexibility, comfort, and fun. These childrenā€™s tricycles combine the best of both strollers and red trikes, and theyā€™re designed to grow with your child. As your little ones develop their motor skills, footrests can be removed to allow for pedaling, and when theyā€™re ready to fly solo, simply take off the push handle. In a similar fashion, our Triple Play Trike morphs from ride-on to tricycle to balance bike, helping your children develop the skills needed for their first bike.

Tricycles Frequently Asked Questions

At what age is a tricycle appropriate?

Age ranges can vary based on the style and type of tricycle purchased. A 3-in-1 tricycle, for example, can be great for children as young as 1 year old. More traditional pedal tricycles, depending on the size, are better suited for children starting at 2 Ā½ or 3 years of age.

How do you pick a tricycle for a toddler?

Picking a tricycle for a toddler can be challenging. Generally speaking, consider the size and age of your child, as this can help eliminate tricycles that may be too small or geared toward younger children. All of our childrenā€™s tricycles feature suggested age ranges, and specs can highlight both trike dimensions and weight capacity.

What age is a 3-in-1 tricycle for?

Whatā€™s great about our Radio Flyer 3-in-1 tricycles is that they can help children learn to ride at a younger age. A safety ring can keep your little ones securely fastened in their seats, and a push handle means you can push and steer the tricycle. This makes them great for toddlers as young as 1 year old. As your child grows, these features can be removed, transforming the ride-in into a more traditional tricycle that allows them to pedal and cruise the neighborhood independently.

Do toddler tricycles have brakes?

Toddler tricycles donā€™t have brakes the way bicycles or other vehicles do. In order to stop or slow the vehicle, toddlers can put their feet flat on the ground to stop completely.

What's better, a balance bike or a tricycle?

Balance bikes and tricycles are different vehicles that can sometimes serve the same purpose. Neither one is better than the other; it just depends on what youā€™re looking for. With our 4-in-1 and 3-in-1 tricycles, younger children can take advantage of features that allow them to learn balance and coordination before having to pedal the trike. When theyā€™re ready, these features can be removed to transform the vehicle into a traditional pedal tricycle. Similarly, balance bikes are kidsā€™ bikes without pedals. Children use their feet to learn to balance while sitting atop the balance bike. Once theyā€™ve mastered it, they can upgrade to a regular bike.

Are push tricycles good for toddlers?

Our push tricycles are great for toddlers and little ones learning balance and coordination. Push handles allow parents to steer, guide, and push the tricycle, while children can sit in the seat and develop their gross motor skills.